Touchosc Bridge Mac

Now my mac is connected to the IDJ Pro it renders the ipad useless, this is until I found out about Touch OSC, you can design you own button layout screen for the ipad and connect to various dj programs as a wifi midi controller. So I decided to utilise the ipad and reintroduce the effects pads back into djay using the ipad interface. On the Mac, go to the network settings and select Manage virtual interfaces, create a new virtual bridge using the USB connection. Note down your IP Address. In TouchOSC set the host to this IP. Touchoscbridge/tabpage (touchoscmsgs/Tabpage) When a message is received, change tabpages on all clients. Populate msg.header.frameid with an IP address to change the tabpage on a single client. Published Topics touchoscbridge/accxyz (sensormsgs/Imu) Accelerometer data from iOS clients. Msg.header.frameid will contain the IP address of.

If you’re on a Mac, TouchOSC its super easy to set up with an iOS device over USB as a MIDI controller. Sorry Windows users, I have nothing for you today.

Some day I will cover making custom layouts and control surfaces with TouchOSC but for now we’re just using it as a portable MIDI controller.

Over USB you’ll get a low latency MIDI input into your DAW.
While it’s technically possible to do this all over WIFI, I would not recommend it.

Touchosc Bridge No Host


  • Unlock iPad and connect with USB to lightning cable
  • Launch Audio MIDI Setup utility on the Mac
  • Enable the iPad/iPhone in the Audio page
  • Open TouchOSC app on iPad/iPhone
  • Enable TouchOSC Bridge and CoreMIDI
  • Set Layout to Keys or Beatmachine
  • Open REAPER and go to Preferences, Audio, MIDI Devices
  • Enable Apple iPad/iphone for Input and control, apply preference change

Touchosc Editor

Touchosc Bridge Mac

Host Not Found Touchosc Bridge

Hello to all.
I recently bought a used Dell with loits of Ram and therefore I moved to Windows after 20 + years on Mac.
I am on Digital Performer and I am using TouchOsc to control both påarts of the Daw as well as string libraries (made my own templates).
The problem I need help wuth is using TouchOsc Bridge. I can communicate fine between the TouchSOSC editor amd my iPad, but when I open Bridge, nothing happens. As far as I can tell, there is no communication between the iPad and DP10.
Is this a common problem?